항공기용 디지탈시계의 세계적인 회사 DAVTRON의 모델명 M880A 입니다.
Full six-digit GMT clock
Universal & Local Time
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-Two button control system is natural
and error free. Setting operations are
identical for all features
US Patent #4,486,077
-Control switch has remote capability
-Incandescent Displays
-N.V.G. filter
-Manual dimming of the display
-Full 6 digit display selectable
GMT/Local Time/Elapsed Time
-Elapsed Time is count up or down
-A 4 Megahertz crystal precision time
-Keep alive battery with 3 year life
-Two year battery backup standard
-GMT full 6 digit, hours/minutes/seconds
-Local Time, 24 hour, 4 digit
-Four digit Elapsed Time count up starts
minutes, seconds then hours and minutes
up to 99:59
-Elapsed Time count down settable from
one second to59 minutes 59 seconds
-Elapsed Time alarm activates at zero when
counting down and flashes display
-N.V.G. compatible
-Battery type AA alkaline
-Input current 500ma
-Input voltage 28 volts D.C.
-Weight 10 oz
-Warranty one year
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Normal Operation
The SEL button selects what is to be displayed on the four digit window and the CTL button controls what is being
displayed. Pressing select sequentially selects GMT, Local Time, Elapsed Time and back to GMT. The control button
starts and resets Elapsed Time when momentarily pushed. Normal operation of the 880A cannot accidentally
reset time.
Setting GMT
Select GMT for display in the four digit window with the SEL button. Simultaneously press both the select and
control buttons to enter the set mode. The tens of hours digit will start flashing. The control button has full control
of the flashing digit and each button push increments the digit. once the tens of hours is set, the select button
selects the next digit to be set. After the last digit has been selected and set with the control button, a final push of
the select button exits the mode. The lighted annunciator will resume its normal flashing, indicating the GMT clock
is running.
Setting LT
Select Local Time, LT, using the SEL button. Simultaneously push the SEL and CTL buttons to enter the set mode.
The tens of hours digit will start flashing. The set operation is the same for GMT, except that minutes are already
synchronized with the GMT clock and cannot be set in Local Time.
Control/Select Disable
When there is no aircraft power applied to the clock the CTL and SEL buttons are disabled.
Elapsed Time Count Up
Select ET for display. Pressing the CTL button will start ET counting. Elapsed Time counts up to 59 minutes, 59
seconds, and then switches to hours and minutes. It continues counting up to 99 hours and 59 minutes. Pressing
the CTL button again resets ET to zero.
Elapsed Time Count Down
Select ET for display and enter set mode by pressing both buttons simultaneously. A count down from any time, a
maximum 59 minutes, 59 seconds, can bet set. The time is entered the same as UT setting. once the last digit is set,
pressing the SEL button exits the set mode and the clock is ready to start the countdown. Pressing the CTL button
now will start the countdown. The alarm becomes active at zero, flashes the displays, and enables the external
alarm. Pressing either button, SEL or CTL, will reset the alarm. After reaching zero the ET counter will count up.
Test Mode
Hold the SEL button down for three seconds and the display will indicate 88:88 and activate all four annunciators.
Price M880 $1350.00 U.S.
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