
페트로막스 랜턴 사용설명서

hl1kfb 2009. 2. 20. 12:01
BriteLyt Multi-Fuel Lanterns, Stoves, & Petromax Lanterns
Home Of the World Famous Multi-Fuel Lantern

BriteLyt- Petromax Operating Instructions


!! WASH OUT TANK (use water or Fuel) BEFORE USING !!

FOR YOUR SAFETY: All lanterns are shipped with the lantern in the “On “ position (check lantern.) REMEMBER TO SET the knob to the “OFF” position BEFORE OPERATING the lantern (see photo 3 below).

1. REMOVE PLASTIC RINGS from above and below Glass Globe, before putting into Operation. NOTE: For polished brass lanterns only..... The hood part #123 needs to be polished before using the lantern. Otherwise the lacquer finish will burn and leave ugly brown spots on hood, you can also use alcohol or a lacquer remover.

2. Optical and mechanical check. Look lantern over for loose parts, incurred during shipment to your destination. ALWAYS check your new lanterns for any leaks before use. After pressurizing the lantern, REMOVE part # 123, so you can see parts # 50 (nipple), and # 68(needle). Also see this page

3. Unscrew the pressure gauge (part#149) and pour in fuel with funnel(part#165) until lower edge of filler neck.(Photo 1) DO NOT OVERFILL ... tilt the lantern 15 degrees with cap off, ....if no fuel pours out of it, then you're o.k.  Retighten the gauge and the pressure release valve(#13) See photo below 8A.

Photo 1photo1 /Petromax/BriteLytBriteLyt hood

Part 117 inter casingTie Mantle on part 3Photo 2


4. Tying or replacing the gas mantle (in photo Above) Loosen screws nuts on frame (part#121) and remove hood(part#123) and the inner casing (part#117). Put mantle over nozzle(part#3) and tie it on. Cut off excess string. Put inner casing back on frame and take care not to break needle (part#68). Make sure you can see the screw of the mixing tube (part#33) through the upper opening of the hood and that the screw is vertical. (see photo 1-2) See mantle tie and preheated


onPhoto 3 Nipple and needle part 50 and 68

5. Make sure the control knob(part#111) (the big roundy looking thing has the arrow pointed to twelve o'clock (up). This is the OFF position .... (VERY, VERY important).

MAKE SURE THAT YOUR NEEDLE (Part #68) IS STICKING OUT OF nipple (part #50), to confirm! that lantern is in OFF position.   (see photo 3 above)                 


6.Pumping up air into tank(#118) photo below. Hold tank firmly (big bright thing on the bottom of the lantern) Now pump the lantern (little roundy knob thingy)(part#40), until you pressurize to # 3 on the indicator(see photo 8A). It should sound funny while pumping (kinda like "pfffffft")...that O.K. .... it's working. When finished pumping, lock the knob (part #40 with part #41 to part #42). May need to add oil(or brake fluid)on O-ring pump. Also make sure (#223 is closed) Look and listen to the lantern for any leaks  .If using EZ pump... Pump lantern to # 3 on gauge (DISREGARD USING HANDPUMP INSTRUCTION).. Video Demonstration of Proper Lantern Pumping, Gauge Reading, & Lighting of Preheater

Photo 4 Tank  118    

7. You DO NOT have to pre-burn a new mantle. Open the pre-heater (that's the little flippy thing-a-majig)(part#223), there's a slot to place a flame. Put an open flame into it now, and flip the lever down.Video demonstration of new mantle and preheater

WHOAAAAH!!...WHAT A FLAME!! O.K_Let the pre-heater burn the mantle down, and allow the preheater to run for approximately 50 to 80 sec (below 60-70 degrees farenheight, allow longer preheating time). for 500CP lantern. Approx. a minute and half on 150CP lanterns with oil base fuels(gas fuels 35-50 sec.approx: (Aw, shucks, look at your watch). It if doesn't light now . .... shut off the pre-heater so you don't flood the lantern with raw fuel.See 3 Photos belowSee Video of BriteLyt using Gasoline

preheater flame at 223 holePut Flame herePreheater flame

To see more on Flame see photo 16 below.

When using diesel oil it may take 2 1/2 min. to pre-heat, biodiesel 3 1/2 min.

Check your pressure indicator .... re-pump .... then try to relight it (#223).This test was performed at 70 degree's temperature.!!WARNING!! If insufficient preheating time will cause raw fuel out of the top(# 50) and make large flame (See Video).. Remember to always be calm!!! Turn the knob (#111) (up to 12:00 O'clock off) and let pressure off the lantern. Preheating with alcohol use cup(# 35) and bottle(part # 67) fill cup and light with match it may take 2-3 times, See photo in 7A. Go to this page for step by step instructions on the alcohol cup(# 35)Video demonstration Geniol or Petromax Swiss military surplus 

 Photo 7 on     8on

                               8. Now turn the control knob (big roundy thing) around until the arrow points to six o'clock (down). The mantle should light up (kinda reddish glow for first 30 seconds or so), and the lamp should start to get bright now.  HEY!! .... SHUT OFF THAT PRE-HEATER!!!!(part# 223) If you have some black spots on the mantle, re-pump the lantern ... turn the control knob from six o'clock to one or two o'clock, and then back to six o'clock a few times .... or leave it at six o'clock if its working good.

Photo 8AGauge part 149

This should clear the black off the mantle. GO AHEAD .... TEASE IT!!!! C'MON WELL, AW-RITY, THEN.  . Now .... firmly hold the base tank again (you know ... that bright shinny thing on the bottom), and pump it until you get a 2 or 3 on the indicator. (BOY .... it should REALLY be bright now)!!! By the way .... if you shake the lantern hard, while pumping it YOU WILL BREAK THE MANTLE SO DON"T DO THAT!!!! You'll have to buy a new mantle, if you do. OH now where were we? OH, YEAH (Are you tired, yet? I know I am.) Whew! alrighty then ... SOONER OR LATER...the lantern will start to get dimmer. BEFORE IT GOES OUT ... re-pump, and it will get bright again. DON'T FORGET WHAT I SAID ABOUT THAT MANTLE!! AFTER AN HOUR OR SO.....it should not need pumping for 3-6 hours. If the lantern goes dim and has good pressure and fuel in the tank you will need to turn (#111) at a good pace from 6:00 O'clock to 12:00 (NOT TOO SLOW.....itcould turn off the lantern).

Now lookie here that wasn't so hard,was it !! SMILE! YOU DID IT !!( the crowd roars with applause standing ovation YEAAAHHH!!)

Photo 7AOur Alcohol Bottle


***EXTINGUISHING THE LANTERN turning it off**   Open the bleeder valve(part#13) on (part#149) and turn knob #111 up to 12:00 O'clock, if needed you can leave pressure on tank(part#118).

Photo 9 & 10 Air Valve open herePart 111 on and off knob turned  OFF

9. Adjusting the mixing tube screw. If the light flickers or appears not bright enough or red flame, turn screw left or right this should clear the problem.(Shown in photo 11 )     Photo 11 Adjustment of old part 33

10.To adjust mixing tube (air and vapor mix) take off (part#123) and use Spanner for a rule (put spanner in see photo below) but adjust higher then the spanner (the higher the better)

.Photo 12 Spanner with gauge adjustmentSpanner marks

11. Replacing the nipple and needle.  Remove hood(part#123) remove (part#117 inner casing) and glass globe(chimney). Place inner casing on top of glass, to save mantle. Hold (part#152) with one hand and unscrew nipple(part# 50) with spanner. Remove needle with needle key(part#119). Replace with a new one and reinstall all parts(see photo

Photo 13 Using part 66 to take off #50Using part 119 (Key for needle) to take out Needle part 68


12.High Temperatures. The lanterns can cause a high heat approx:4500 to 6000 Btu's of heat per hour. Cool the lantern down for about 15 minutes before doing any service or repairs. After each operation, check the (part# 50 and # 3) for looseness after each operation. After use of lantern.... put muffler mender on parts(# 3 and # 50) to prevent any of these parts from loosening.

13.Replacing gas mantle. If the mantle develops a hole or is broken, REPLACE IT!

Patent items below( 6,863,526) Parts 126,and O-ring system.

13. Always keep part # 126 in lantern during operation. only remove protection plate (#126) when working on lantern. BriteLyt lanterns have been tested by the NSIE and BriteLyt lanterns received a product safety rating of 9.6 Photo 14.Heat shield 126Heat Sield TEST with broken mantle

14. Replacing O-Ring on pump when needed.  Unscrew (part #42) and pull out pump (part# 6). Simply remove O-ring, and replace with new part. O-Ring needs some oil because of friction just before use and now and then. Photo below 15. 

BriteLyt O-ring systemOur replacment O-ring  Photo 15


Below Photo 16: A look at the Rapid Preheater's Flame

Also See Our Television Commercial to see pre-heater flame

Video demonstration ( HOW TO PAGE) - DEMO Various Fuels & Products

Photo 16 Photo of Preheater Flame

Video Demonstration - FLAME TUBE in wrong place (How to Put #33-B & #3-SS together)


FOR YOUR SAFETY: All lanterns are shipped with the lantern in the “On “ position check . REMEMBER TO SET the knob to the “OFF” position BEFORE OPERATING the lantern. See photo 3 or 7 & 8.

DO NOT LEAVE LANTERN IN “ON” position, when not in use. EMPTY TANK before storing lantern for lengthy period of time.

Below Photo 33: Check out part # 33 and make sure it is raised high enough. (See photo below...works best!!)  Part # 33 can fall down after using the lantern only one (1) time. If you do not check part # 33, it can cause Red flames, or flaming, coming out of mantle. Frequent use of your lantern can cause some carbon build-up, so.....you should always check the #152 and #101 for carbon build up, and clean as needed See this page Clean parts #101 and #152.

Photo 33A good place to set the #33 hight


Below Photo 34: Check # 50 and make sure that it's not loose. It can be a tad bit loose, (or you can turn with your fingers or not). Tighten it up with a crescent wrench or with part # 66 real tight, and you'll hear a squeak sound, when tightened.    Also add Muffler Mender to the threads , most all auto parts stores carry Muffler mender !! See this page for repair with Muffler mender !!

A good place to put Muffler Mender on part #50

Photo 34


ITSIE-BITSIE TID-BITS:(Just in case you need 'em)

1. Read over the "Trouble Shooting Pointers, Possible Problems" sheet that was sent with your lantern.

2.Every so often about every 10 or 12th time used, take a capful of carburetor cleaner (even more then a cup some times) pour it into the tank(#118) with your fuel, will help clean out (part#152 and #101).

3. Do not...... store fuel in the lantern for more the a month it can cause problems with lantern operation.... fuels can breakdown.

4.CHECK ALL FITTINGS FOR LEAKS Shipping can cause parts to loosen up. When taking off the (part# 149) do not lose washer (part#11, rubber).

5.If there is fuel in the tank, when changing a glass globe or mantle, Release the tank pressure, and then turn the knob (part#111) to 6:00 O'clock in order to prevent breakage of needle (part#68). NOT TO MENTION, IT KEEPS FUEL OUT OF YOUR FACE. After complete with replacement glass or mantle, turn the knob (part#111) back to 12:00 O'clock. This will prevent any leakage, when pumping up lantern.

6. You can use a bar of hand soap on the nozzle threads of the ceramic nozzle (part# 3) to prevent parts from vibrating loose (or muffler mender,). This can also be used on the nipple (part# 50).(Muffler mender at any auto parts store)

7. EXTREMELY COLD AREAS, or above 5,000 feet above sea level you may need a 10% to 25% of mix of a mineral spirits this will help start the lantern faster.

8. BriteLyt mantles will out last all other mantles.

9.If you have a problem pumping up the lantern add oil to the O-ring and pump in short pumps. Or buy a EZ pump (See Part #EZP on webstore).

10. Oil fuels, such as kerosene, will give the most trouble-free use. Add Citronella oil with any fuel 50to50 (50% fuel & 50% citronella), .... and keep the bugs away.

11. Remove a Broken Mantle   or it will break the glass.

12 New and Used lanterns: clean out tank to prevent light fluctuation and preheater problems.

13. PREHEATING BIODIESEL TIP:   If using preheating cup (#35), fill cup at least 6 - 10 times.  If using preheater, it's best to use the EZ-Pump adaptor.  Allow preheating time approx. 3 - 4 mins. (with an average outdoor temp of 75-degrees).

14.“When lantern starts with good pressure and full of fuel… light dims.   so I turn the #111 from 6 O’clock to 12 O’clock then back and there’s good light…. but then drops back dim again …lantern sputters and sometimes goes out, but full of fuel and good pressure.” See this page: Clean parts #101 and #152.

15. What if I do not have a preheater (part #226


 NEW OR OLD LANTERNS & STOVES:    Before you take your lantern to your designated recreation area, TEST your lantern, first.   Make sure there are no leaks, clogging, loose parts, and that your lantern is operating properly.  Make sure you have enough mantles on hand.

17.Video demonstration ( HOW TO PAGE) - DEMO Various Fuels & Products


Minor maintenance of lanterns and stoves:

1.Do not store fuel in lantern or stove for long periods of time.

2. When using " Bio" fuels clean out tank and jets by adding some fuel cleaner (like carburetor cleaner or methanol/Ethanol) with your fuel in the lantern or stove. Use 4 caps full of a carburetor cleaner to 12 oz's. to a tank, or a cup of Methanol or Ethanol.

2a.You can also use a half of a tank of Coleman-type or similar type of fuel in the lantern or stove tank. (Refer to Items # 2.and #2a. after using at least 10 full tanks of bio fuels or less). Some biodiesel fuels require that you add at least 10% - 30% of Coleman fuel or alcohol.

3. All other fuels except Coleman type fuels - use carburetor cleaner in the fuel (4 caps to a tank full of fuel,every 10 fill ups or less).

4. Tighten up the # 50 (ALWAYS check this part), when replacing a mantle. Make sure the part # 33 (Mixing Tube), has not dropped down too close to the # 50 (Nipple). . Raise # 33 as high as you can, for optimum performance.

Most problems with the lantern will be caused by these two (2)....items # 50 and # 33.See this link

5. Preheater Direction: Stove....Make sure you preheat the area, as shown, in our stove instruction page on this site, and make sure you preheat the unit long enough. (preheat time approx: 50 sec. to 90 sec.) Also see #17 above Video demonstration link.


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